Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gone With The Gun

Photo credit: Mario Tama, Getty Images/SF

Senseless killings beyond my comprehension
A human tragedy without apprehension
The whole nation mourns so does the heaven
Gloomy days shrouded the yuletide season

Young lives were gone because of a gun
How many more shall perish before it's gone
Many hearts were filled with grief and broken 
Memories were etched on our souls as a token

Gun control and regulations became a loud cry
Some lawmakers agreed - it's worth a try
But for an association who likes to keep it high 
More guns will keep us safe and dry

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun,"
Someone said, "is a good guy with a gun."
Seems like Buffalo Bill in the days of Deadwood
Also blamed media, video games and Hollywood

While the debates are going on
More lives will never see another dawn
Will I live to see the day
that everyone lives in harmony?

Weigh-in your fifty-cent opinion
Before anyone goes into oblivion
On the pros and cons of gun control
As well as an armed posse patrol

Do guns really kill people or people kill people?

This is my tribute to the victims of gun shooting in a Newtown, Connecticut school. I wrote this after I saw the news on TV but somehow I always get choked and ran out of words.